

"...looking like giants in their tall black hats

...and giants they were, in action"


There are few units (if any) more famous in Civil War history than the "Iron Brigade of the West".  This brigade was the only brigade in the entire Army of the Potomac made up completely of Western regiments (2nd, 6th, 7th WI and the 19th IN--later joined by the 24th MI at Gettysburg).  They fought and died throughout the campaigns of the Eastern Theater, most notably at 2nd Bull Run, Antietam, and Gettysburg (where the brigade was effectively eliminated by casualties taken on July 1, 1863). 

Being Indiana residents, we of course take a lot of pride in the shining record of bravery and sacrifice that the 19th Indiana compiled.  While they fought just as hard and endured just as much as the other regiments of the Iron Brigade, they are often overlooked when it comes to reenactments and history texts.  Even the 24th Michigan typically gets more ink than the 19th Indiana, yet they weren't even with the brigade until Gettysburg! 

We seek to portray the valiant Hoosiers of the 19th Indiana accurately and authentically, and bring honor and attention to their memories.  Specifically, we chose the 19th Indiana Co. D because they were from Marion County (Indianapolis), which is where many of us reside.  As another note, while we will portray the 19th Indiana at Gettysburg, our primary impression is that of the 19th Indiana from August 1862 to September 1862, during its battles at 2nd Bull Run, South Mountain, and Antietam.  It was during this time that John Gibbon commanded the brigade and forged them into the legendary unit we all know as the "Iron Brigade."  It was also during this time that they earned that nickname with the assault on South Mountain.  

This 19th Indiana Company D will typically be our guiding impression at local Indiana events and Eastern Theater themed events where the Iron Brigade was present in the historical order of battle.  Following is a list of the uniform guidelines (and the recommended vendors for each item) for this impression:

*m1858 Dress Hat ("Hardee" Hat)

with Brass Insignia, Infantry Cord,

and Ostrich Plume (optional)

Tim Bender, Clearwater Hats, or Dirty Billy



*Issue Shirt or Homespun Shirt (no plastic buttons!)

Jersey Skillet Licker

or C.J. Daley

*Federal Dress Coat

Jersey Skillet Licker, C.J. Daley,

or C&D Jarnagin

(with hand sewn button holes)



*Union Sky Blue Trousers

Jersey Skillet Licker, C.J. Daley,

Stony Brook Company (Chris Sullivan),

or C&D Jarnagin

*Wool or Cotton Socks (period construction)

Jersey Skillet Licker or C.J. Daley


*Jefferson Bootee (shoe)

Missouri Boot and Shoe or Mattimore Harness

*Underdrawers - flannel or cotton

(period construction)

C. J. Daley



*Waist Belt with Leather or Brass Keeper

and "US" Belt Buckle

Missouri Boot and Shoe or C&D Jarnagin

*Early War .58 Caliber Cartridge Box (no rivet)

Missouri Boot and Shoe or C&D Jarnagin

*Cartridge Box Sling with Eagle Breastplate

Missouri Boot and Shoe or C&D Jarnagin

*Bayonet with Early War 2 Rivet Scabbard

Missouri Boot and Shoe or C&D Jarnagin

*Pattern 1850 Cap Pouch

Missouri Boot and Shoe or C&D Jarnagin

*m1858 Smoothside Canteen with


(with brown, grey, or tan jean cloth cover)

Jersey Skillet Licker or Orchard Hill Sutlery

*1861 "Emergency Issue" Blanket

(tan with brown end stripes)


Matt Woodburn or Jersey Skillet Licker

*Vulcanized Rubber Gum blanket or

Painted Ground Cloth (small grommets)

Jersey Skillet Licker or C&D Jarnagin

Black Tarred Haversack

(with Roller Buckle)

Orchard Hill Sutlery or Jersey Skillet Licker

*m1855 Double Bag Knapsack (OPTIONAL)

Missouri Boot and Shoe

*m1861 Springfield Rifle

Check with the Group